Impact’21 Spring Edition
- 12-13 maja 2021
Warszawa, online
Global leaders admit that the fast-paced world of technology requires deeper reflection and a social perspective.
During the first edition of Impact CEE in 2021, we used the proven formula of a hybrid event – some speakers appeared live in The Warsaw Hub in Warsaw, others dialed the event remotely or recorded their speeches before the event.
Impact’21 spring edition looked impressive:
- 2 days of implementation
- 3 scenes
- 300 speakers
- 15 thematic tracks
- 40 hours of speeches
- 4 reports
- podcasts
- 1 million 300 thousand unique users
Outstanding speakers, including Sir Leszek Borysiewicz, Mateusz Morawiecki, Susan Wojcicki, Bix Aliu, and Gilberto Caldart, performed on the stages of Impact ’21 spring edition.
Live transmission of the event was available online on the dedicated PINE platform and on the home page of Wirtualna Polska, money.pl, the home page of Dziennik Gazeta Prawna and forsal.pl.
THE WAY was responsible for the creation and comprehensive production of the event. The event was organized in accordance with the rules of sanitary safety.