Impact’20 connected edition driven by Metropolia GZM

Safety of participants and online networking – the key to the success of a hybrid event in a pandemic.

  • 23-24 September 2020
300 people live,
1 301 602 viewers online

Warszawa, Expo XXI / online

The first hybrid conference event in Poland that combined online and offline activities.

During Impact’20 Connected Edition, over 150 key Polish and international speakers appeared, both live and remotely from virtually every corner of the globe. The program of the entire event was closed in nine thematic paths: Mobility, Finance and E-commerce, Digital Industry, Energy, Next Health, Green Economy and Planet Tech, Open Science, Applied AI, 5G and Cloud Solutions, Urban Next.

In addition, the Visegrad Group Summit was held during the event. As part of the Polish presidency of the V4, decision-makers and leaders shaping the Polish and European economy met live and online to discuss the future of the automotive industry and digitization of the industry.

The live broadcast of the two-day event at the Expo XXI center in Warsaw was available on the dedicated, proprietary Impact Online platform and on the home page of the Wirtualna Polska portal.

The conference was attended live by 300 people, 1.3 million viewers watched the events on the conference agenda online, and the estimated AVE equivalent amounted to over PLN 5 million. Twitter and Facebook posts reached over 2.5 million recipients. We were responsible for the comprehensive creation and production of the event.

More on the event page. See

See the video streaming from the entire Impact’20 connected edition driven by Metropolia GZM event.